Friday, January 6, 2012

Rockin' in a boat of fear

     Imagine with me for a moment, the scene of Jesus and the disciples as they were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee during a horrific storm.
     The Bible details the event as quite frightening to the disciples. Yet, Jesus was asleep during the turbulent waves and rocking of the boat. The waves crashed over the side of the boat, and I can imagine that the disciples feared certain death.
     Several of the disciples were fishermen by trade, so they were used to rocky seas. However, this storm was unlike any they had ever seen.
     The disciples awoke Jesus and asked him if He was just going to let them drown in the horrible storm. 
     There are two things that are important to point out here. First, although Jesus was asleep, He was never unaware of what was happening on that boat. Second, fear overcame the disciples and created doubt in who Jesus claimed to be.
     When Jesus spoke the words, “Quiet! Be still” to the storm in Luke 4:39,  the wind died down and it was completely calm. Jesus then questioned why the disciples had such little faith.
Unfortunately, I have been like the disciples during turbulent times of my life. In the uncertainty of the moment, I have questioned Jesus’ intentions and thought He was surely not paying attention to what was happening in my life.
     The fear of the unknown has riddled me so, that instead of trusting that Jesus knew better than I, I have taken matters into my own hands. Thus, creating bigger messes.
     The Bible clearly tells us that we are to not be afraid of what is to come. By trusting in Jesus and allowing Him to guide us, we can rest fully in the knowledge that He will provide. This is clearly easier said than done.
    Having been homeless, jobless, and penniless at one time, I have seen God do incredible things that only He could do. Has it been easy? Life is never easy, but it is always worth it.
    During the times I have allowed my fears to dictate my actions, I can clearly look back and see how wasted my energies were.
     Wallowing in fear renders us incapable of seeing God’s plan. Fear prevents us from venturing into the unknown and seeing the awesomeness that is God.
     Nothing good comes from fear. Only a personal relationship with Christ can give the peace and calmness we so desire in life.
    Psalm 23:4 says, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
    Clearly this verse shows that we walk THROUGH the valley. Jesus does not just drop us off in the valley and forget us. He promises to see us through it.
    While your lifeboat may be rocky and filling with water, and perhaps, you are fearful you will surely drown, keep in my mind that Jesus provides calm waters. He is never asleep! Just keep paddling and praying.

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